What is the Barton Reading & Spelling System?
The Barton Reading & Spelling System is Orton-Gillingham based. Orton-Gillingham is a structured language approach that is different in both what is taught and how it is taught. The Barton System is a multisensory, direct, explicit, structured and sequential program designed for intense intervention.
The Barton System is researched and evidence-based. There are 15 independent studies from public and private schools across the nation that prove the effectiveness of the Barton Reading & Spelling System.
The Barton System is designed as intense intervention for students who struggle to easily and accurately decode words when reading, who by second grade are slow and inaccurate readers, and who have always struggled with spelling, especially when writing sentences, stories, and compositions.

What is the Barton Reading & Spelling System?
The Barton Reading and Spelling System is Orton-Gillingham based. Orton-Gillingham is a structured language approach that is different in both what is taught and how it is taught. The Barton System is a multisensory, direct, explicit, structured and sequential program designed for intense intervention.
The Barton System is researched and evidence-based. There are 15 independent studies from public and private schools across the nation that prove the effectiveness of the Barton Reading and Spelling System.
The Barton System is designed as intense intervention for students who struggle to easily and accurately decode words when reading, who by second grade are slow and inaccurate readers, and who have always struggled with spelling, especially when writing sentences, stories, and compositions.

What is taught through the Barton System?
Level 1: Phonemic Awareness
Level 2: Consonants & Short Vowels
Level 3: Closed & Unit Syllables
Level 4: Syllable Division & Vowel Teams
Level 5: Prefixes & Suffixes
Level 6: Six Reasons for Silent-E
Level 7: Vowel-R Syllables
Level 8: Advanced Vowel Teams
Level 9: Influences of Foreign Languages
Level 10: Greek Words & Latin Roots
To learn more about the Barton Reading & Spelling System, go to: